
Hello to all bicycle lovers and riders,I’m happy to tell you that just by feb 5 2018 we built our Fastest Fat Bike.

Our small FBike Start Up may sartisfy almost every rider,coming in two versions it covers all type bikes range in use,over come it in durability,power and speed.In relation with Soviet movie Stalker about person who coming into unknown places we had call our model Stalker,meaning that rider can come almost any places on Stalker in the World.Recently passed tests with top performence athlets shows Stalker may achieve on flat road speed results up to 60km/h with athlete weight 87kg and hight 187cm.Besides usual use by bike users for casual day to day activities:riding in city,on road,off road, cruising,climbing uphills and riding downhills,short-long term travelling,Stalker offered also to users in Bodybuilding,Fitness,Heavy athletics,Ironman, Ironstar, Ultraman and many other Olympic and not Olympic sports where endurance,leg power,aerobics and cardio included.Being three times competing in EU championships and preparing others for World Fitness Championship,I know how important after work out cardio, which many sportsmen would missing due the using the car driving home.However best results in warm up before training and cool down after intensive workout, there is no better thing as riding the right bike.For sports where the athletes weights cross the 80kg category importent to know that riding on fat bike tires bike and right knees angle(90 degree + what avoids damaging knee cartilage),will secure your performance and let to recover damaged during the training cartilage parts.During the drive you balance insured together with just fraction of power applied by your fit,as wide tire spreading your effords and weight pressure into lighter and easier drive vs normal tire bikes,where your weight and power applied to the knee to cycle bicycle encreasing your chances of knee cartilage damage.Riding on high end FBike allowes to many athlets to recover the knee problems coming from its overuse, for professional athlets there is no other way to deliver fresh blood streem to degrading/damaged leg functioning,specially to its tendons,cartilage,bons.All this Cardio/Fitness recovery and training could be maintained due regular ride from Gym/Training to home and opposite,leaving expensive physiotherapy and doctors behind,let you moving on progress.

There is big part of family vocation travel belong to our bike models,specially developed rear rack able carry on 90-110kg,however first rider should be aware about ballances and keep it in mind:rider always should outweight/be slightly more in weight vs accompanied passanger(s).Specially developed drop out let your fit on pegs comfortly,not hanged into air,saving power for bike driver and safe on speed,another feature is ability to connect carriege behind your bike and put into it all travelling items,which is ideal for long term family travellers,save your phisical power vs going on fit climbers,allows you deliver maximum equipment and food with you making your vocation longer and pleasent and independent.

Its special group of people who would have a chance to start to move and experience new life using our fat bike:people with average weight of 90 kg +, with obesity problems and other weight issues.The research provided by EU bike magazine on people riding on the bike from home to work and back during the year burn 4.9kg fat mass.Fat bikes not only can let you drive itself without affraid to fall-High End FBikes d’art instruments for stable and ballance riding, but let all other body parts to participate in making you leaving active life.

Our bicycle is semi-customized, which let you update components of your choice on our existing frame. Final bicycle price including air/sea shipping up to your door, depend on your country. Semi-customized high end bicycles becoming icons of individual independence wisdom, making your Kingdom moving on bike of your choice: no taxes, no expensive insurences vs e-bikes users, cars, motocycles and full range of the freedom all year around: snow, sand, rain, ice, water, stone, dust—Full Freedom of Move all year around. We provide 10 years life guaranty on our frames for the first bike buyer, you receive spare BB set 120mm of last generation: integrated, closed bearings, summer tires, rear rack (on demand), pegs, High end quality KUPA special material double thickness walls travelling 30-40litr travel bag. I wish to all of you success with us!

Best Regards, Uriel Kupay, Founder, Israel, KUPA Fat Bike Venture